What is the Difference Between Resin Bound and Resin Bonded Aggregates?

Find the right driveway aggregates for your clients by comparing the differences between resin bound and resin bonded systems. One system is porous and the other non-porous, but that’s not where the differences end.

Resin Bonded Aggregates

Choosing resin bonded aggregates is perfect when your client is after a driveway with a textured finish. This application is ideal for when slip risks and hazards need to be carefully managed, perhaps in a public access setting or when the driveway is positioned on a slope. There are multiple benefits to choosing the resin bonded aggregate, the most popular are as follows:

Easy Maintenance

Resin bonded driveways are simple to maintain, the surface dirt that accumulates over the years can be washed away, leaving a brand-new appearance behind.

Long Lasting

Unlike gravel driveways, the gravel appearance of the resin bonded driveway isn’t loose, it is set in place with a layer of resin over the top. This means the gravel will not become uneven in parts or wash away over the years, it will remain in place. Many resin bound aggregates have lifespans of 15 years or longer. It’s a great investment that will keep working for years to come!
Clients can select the perfect colour to match the exterior of their home and personal tastes. There are lots of options available, all of which will result in a stunning driveway with subtle texturing.

Resin Bound Aggregates

The resin bound aggregate is slightly different to resin bonded as the driveway aggregate is mixed together with the resin before being laid onto the sub-base of the drive. The mixture is trowelled into place and the finish is smooth, unlike the textured finish of the bonded driveway. Another difference to note is the porous nature of the resin bound aggregate. Water will penetrate the layer, removing the need for an adequate drainage system. Benefits include:

No Pooling

The reduced risk of standing water forming on top of the driveway, and the protection of the sub base below the drive, means pooling will no longer be an issue!

Low Costs

Costs are kept to a minimum as no extra time or money is required for a drainage system to be put in place.

Get Some Help and Advice

Find the perfect driveway aggregate for your clients by considering each property carefully. Work out whether a porous or non-porous aggregate would be more suitable for you and your needs! There are plenty of experts out there, like the people at Trade Resin, who will be more than happy to help and provide advice where needed. So ask around and shop around before choosing between bonded and bound!
