Resin Bound Driveways & The Heatwave – Friend or Foe?

Driveways really are wonderful things, aren’t they? They sit there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, looking pretty and providing crucial storage for your vehicles. With something as wonderful as this, it is imperative that you take good care of it.
But what if that conscious decision is taken away from you? Summer 2018 will go down in history for many reasons, including sporting glory. Mostly though, it will be an iconic time because we’ve had actual sunshine, with warm temperatures! So much so, that hosepipe bans are in effect and grass is dying off due to the lack of moisture in the air. The same applies for your driveway, however, they are a little more robust than your local playing fields!
Driveway Aggregates in Summer
It’s easy for us to start sweating when summer comes around because of irritations like hay fever, sunburn and the increase of wasps. Just think of what a standard asphalt driveway aggregates has to put up with! As much as we stay hydrated during warmer temperatures, your driveway deserves the same level of treatment. Chucking cool water over the surface will moisten the top level and drain through, reducing the risk of cracking or tarmac movement.
Resin Bound Driveway – The Way Forward?

Maybe, after experiencing the weather we have right now, it’s time for a change. Resin Bonded Aggregates provide year-round reassurance that they won’t shift, change colour or disintegrate. Most importantly, during times of warm weather, the way that the resin is applied means that air can continuously travel through the surface, therefore keeping the driveway cool!
In times of colder, more miserable weather, which we’re used to, any water that comes into contact will also drain through the same cavitation system. In a nutshell you have a driveway that keeps cool during summer and puddle free in winter – a year-round victory!
Resin Bonded Aggregates – Extra Support

It can be argued that resin bonded aggregates offer an extra level of support and robustness. So simply upgrading your standard tarmac driveway is a step in the right direction. Whether you choose resin bonded aggregates or resin bound aggregates, you will be investing in a sturdy driveway that can withstand the variety of weather conditions us Brits experience!
Summer may be coming to an end, but with the memories we’ve created this year, it’s going to be difficult to top this one! However, should you plan for the future and improve your driveway, feel free to get in touch with a professional driveway company who can give you some expert advice!
